A Boat which competes in LMYC races is required by the rules to be registered on the LMYC Yacht Register.

Yacht Register and Sail Number/ Protocols

The Yacht Register up to the date/ shown is below. Click on Yacht Register. If your Boat is not shown or the details are incorrect or incomplete please complete a Yacht Registration Form and e-mail to racing@lmyc.com.au or lodge with the Sailing Office, Monday,Wednesday and Fridays and at other times at Reception.

Yacht Register as at 31/03/2024

Yacht Registration Form

It is a requirement of the rules that the skipper and crew of a boat which competes on a Saturday and/or Wednesday is to file a Crew List ( Declaration).Such a complete List for a boat is compliance with the Club’s duty under its Risk Management Plan. Crew should have an Australian Sailing ( formerly YA) membership number which validates them as crew for racing under the rules and provides them with AS casualty insurance.  Please complete the Crew Declaration Form below and e-mail to racing@lmyc.com.au or lodge with the Sailing Office, Monday,Wednesday and Fridays and at other times at Reception.

Crew List/Declaration